Oh NO! Your new Tesla has paint damage! Wether from a fender bender in the parking lot or unfortunate weather over time, you thankfully always have the option of getting your paint corrected and back to looking like new. Learn how they are able to fix this below.
Layers of Paint
Your car’s paint is composed of multiple layers, there is the primer, color coat, and then the clear coat. The primer lays down a layer for the paint to attach to, the color coat provides the color in your car. And finally the clear coat provides not only a shine, but also protection against the elements, much like a wax. And due to things like the weather and other things in the environment. Your clear coat will start to chip. On a microscopic level it will look like your paint is filled with a bunch of sharp valleys. And sometimes scratches are so deep that they cannot be corrected through simple paint correction.
How They Do It
1. Wash the vehicle and decontaminate it to prevent contamination with dirt, tar, etc…
2. Then a polisher is rubbed over the scratches to remove and buff them out. Multiple polishers are used as some are deeper cutting and some are more refiners or correct the scratches the harsher polisher has left behind. Constant monitoring is made to check how much paint is removed
3. Everything is cleaned for the last time and, WOW. You have a scratch free paint job that looks amazing.
While this seems easy enough, if you don’t have experience in polishing or car detailing, then just take it to a professional. As not only is the labor long and difficult, but you could seriously end up doing some permanent damage to your car’s paint. So while you may be able to do all the mechanical work , it is best to leave this to the professionals.
The biggest problem here is that cost varies widely depending on the condition of your car, how much of the car you need done, and obviously who is working on your car. But, in general expect to pay around $65-$75 per hour your vehicle is in the shop. A crazy price to many but for those who need their car to look their best at all occasions a price worth paying,